Saturday, July 21, 2012

celebrity crushes

     i still remember my first celebrity crush. i think i was in 3rd grade or something, and i had a huge crush on Jonathon Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement. he was about my age, cute, and i thought he was really funny on that show. i think i even wrote him some dorky fan letter at some point. ah, those were the days.

     obviously, that was a long time ago and my crush is over. i've had many over the years, i doubt i can even remember them all. One of the big ones i had in my early twenties was John Mayer. i found him attractive, i was into his music at the time, and whenever i saw him on interviews he seemed to have a pretty good sense of humor. that crush has also waned over the years. partially because i just haven't been feeling his music lately. but i also don't think this hat has helped him to stay on my list of crushes :)

     not long ago i started crushing on Zachary Levi. he had a tv show i loved called Chuck. it was a really fun show where he played a dork turned spy. i loved his character, he was to sweet, dorkie, and funny. Zac started a company called The Nerd Machine ( and they go to Comic Con  every year. i wish i could actually go cuz he meets his fans and plus Comic Con would just be awesome. but i always have fucking school keeping me busy. i still think he just has the sweetest smile.

and then this is just fantastic

   my most recent crush is on someone more often heard than seen. he is Josh Robert Thompson and he is the voice of Geoff Peterson, the robot sidekick on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. he is also known for his impressions including Morgan Freeman. he is very funny on the late late show and is entertaining to follow on twitter. i was very surprised the first time i saw what he looked like. he's so much younger and cuter than i was expecting.

     it's nice to have a crush on a celebrity. i find these crushes pop up when i don't have anyone i'm crushing on in real life. if i'm not dating anyone or flirting with anyone, or if i'm in some sort of social situation where i just don't get to see a cute guy i like regularly then i end up getting one. it gives me someone to daydream about. and i do love to daydream about guys. it's fun thinking about how we could meet, what fun things we could do, and places we could go. and it's all much more entertaining than listening to lectures for 6 to 8 hours a day.
so the next time you're out having a drink, like katie and i did last night :
(sangria time!!!)

say a toast to your celebrity crushes and for all the smiles they have given you over the years.

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