Saturday, May 19, 2012

personality profile

for one of my grad school classes, i had to take a personality test and talk about the results and whether i thought they were accurate and why. below is an edit version of the paper i wrote.

"After answering the questions in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, my results were INFP. 

The “I” stands for introvert. 

I find spending time alone to be important. I spend some time every morning and night by myself just so I can clear my head. I really enjoy the time I spend alone, I get to do what I want to do without having to compromise for someone else’s desires. I also prefer to figure things out for myself. I often study alone and only occasionally will choose to work with others when it comes to certain subjects. Even when it comes to personal issues, rather than ask everyone I know for their input, I just spend some time by myself to really think the issue through and figure out what I really feel and what I really want. Sometimes I’ll avoid meeting new people or delay meetings with people if I’m really stressed and don’t feel like I have the energy for it. I don’t even like talking to people I don’t know on the phone. When I was younger I always used to make my parents call people who weren’t my friends that I needed to talk to because it made me uncomfortable. Talking with a group of people can be difficult if they aren’t my closest friends. I tend to just sit back and listen to others instead of really participating in conversations much. I prefer talking to one or two other people at a time. When it comes to school related meetings like group projects, I tend to let others talk and take the lead unless I really feel confident in my knowledge of the subject or have a really strong opinion on something. Sometimes I prefer to have the serious conversations I need to have with people through email because I can really think about exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it instead of having the conversation in person and hoping that I get to say everything I mean to without getting cut off or distracted by what the other person said and forgetting something. And just in general it takes me awhile to get comfortable around new people. If I’m in a situation where I have to be sociable and warm I really have to get into that frame of mind ahead of time.

The “N” stands for Intuitive. 

I grew up in a really creative family that really appreciated art and imagination. I’ve always had a great love and respect for art and people who are capable of high levels of imaginative thought. I feel like I can deal with the small details and specifics necessary to carry out certain assignments and projects, I just don’t really care for them. They are a necessary evil that I often wish I had an assistant to deal with. 

The “F” stands for Feeling. 

I have strong emotions and I tend to value those emotions and others who are in touch with their emotions. I almost always find myself considering the other person’s feeling when making decisions that might affect someone else. It is hard for me to make decisions solely based on logic and the facts when people are involved. I try to put myself on other people’s shoes and try to see their point of view. I tend to avoid telling people things that are unpleasant, but if they need an answer either way then I’ll suck it up and tell them. Sometimes bad news is necessary news and it’s better to give it than leave someone hanging. Even though I don’t like being in the middle of conflicts, occasionally the people around me will make me their moderator or consultant when dealing with a conflict with someone else. This has happened since I young: helping a friend figure out what to say to someone else or relaying what someone else has said in a more constructive manner than was initially worded.

The “P” stands for Perceiving. 

I think because I can see situations from different points of view and acknowledge the fact that nothing is black and white, I’m often fine with leaving things open-ended. Not everything needs to fit perfectly into a little box. Because of this it can be hard to make decisions, which is when I turn to how I feel and how others feel about the subject in order to make a decision. I don’t like making lists and formalizing detailed plans for everything. I think the only thing I like making lists for is the grocery store so that I don’t forget anything. It doesn’t come naturally for me to be so organized with everything I do. It’s something I can do when things get really busy and I’m truly worried I will forget to do something really important. I also don’t always do assignments right away when they are assigned. I don’t necessarily wait to the last minute if I know it will be advantageous to get it done early.'' 

i know most of what i wrote above was based on the descriptions of what each category meant and which aspects of those categories applied to me. hopefully that wasn't too confusing or too boring. just want you guys to get to know me better. peace out, homes! 


  1. I took this sucker and got the same personality type results! The test says the type is called the IDEALIST Healer (INFP).


  2. haha, awesome! no wonder we get along so well :)

  3. Word to your bird.

    I forgot I even had a Blogger account... it says I've been registered since 2009! Maybe I'll actually use it one of these days.
