Thursday, February 7, 2013

update, i'm 30 bitch!

Today is weird. Life is weird. My mind is all over the place but I feel like talking (or writing) so we’ll see how this goes.

            School started back up again. Back to life, back to reality (that’s a Dylan Moran quote). So I was really nervous about being in a classroom with 94 people I didn’t know. Luckily the one person I did know is awesome and introduced me to all these amazing people. The new friends I have made are so sweet and fun to be around. I only knew them a couple weeks when several came to my birthday party. I’m still a bit tentative when it comes to school in general but it’s a million times better than it was a year ago. I’m taking fewer classes but I’m still at school all day long and it’s exhausting. But having less pressure when it comes to grades is making a huge difference right now.
            Sometimes living in this culture is exhausting. It’s looked down on if you aren’t productive and always working hard. Sometimes I like being sick (like I am today) because it’s the only time when people tell me I “should” go home and rest. Guilt free relaxation and all it took was a little virus. I’m naturally the sort of person how wants to have relaxing, unproductive days at least once a week. It’s lovely. But only when I’m sick is it acceptable to sleep all day, watch DVDs in bed for hours, and eat yummy snacks. Sometimes I think I was supposed to live in Italy. Why can’t we all take naps in the afternoon, stay up late drinking wine with friends, and go hang out all day eating gelato and enjoying beautiful architecture and art? Maybe it’s the artist in me, the one that needs to “feed my soul” and live my life for pleasure more than productivity. I don’t want to be remembered for my career. I want to be remembered for my loves. I get weighed down by too many “should”s and get tempted to run away to Europe. Maybe one of these days I will find a way to go back and forth between here and there. Till then I will have to settle for my “me” days and tell the world to fuck off.
            My 30th birthday party was a blast. I had never thrown a party like that before with all the decorating and the planning. It was actually fun dealing with all the details of it. I did learn that you could, in fact, use scissors to the point of pain. I’m still tender to touch on this one part of my thumb. It was amazing bringing friends who didn’t know each other together. Made me realize what amazing taste I have in friends. Some of the people who couldn’t make I genuinely am not unhappy with, I just would’ve loved to have their company that night. But there are some I am genuinely unhappy with.
             I guess I thought of my “bar friends” as being real friends. But apparently most of them can’t be bothered to hang out with me unless they happen to run into me at the bar they already were planning on going to that night. It’s not like I was asking them to drive 100 miles for some random, inconsequential hang out. It was my 30th birthday. It’s a big one. And then, on top of not going to the party, most didn’t respond to the invite at all to let me know either way, or even wish me a happy birthday. I’m sorry, I just assumed that our “friendship” meant that they respected me enough for that kind of courtesy and thoughtfulness. It makes me never want to go to that bar again. Which isn’t hard considering it is now 40 miles away. I was gladly driving there and figuring out sleeping arrangements so that I could see them fairly regularly, but I guess that effort was in vain.
            So I’m here, feeling about the same as I did before my birthday. No big answers figured out. Not quite living the “grown up” life of other people my age. I’m not married. I don’t have kids. I’m still living off student loans and help from my parents because I’m too busy with school to have a job that allows me to be fully independent. Not that independence is all that it’s cracked up to be. Regardless of how I depend on them, whether financially or emotionally, I will always be dependent on my loved ones. I know I never want to be too far from them or go too long without being in touch with them. I have to start thinking about the big internships I have coming up next year. There are a lot of clinics in different states that I’m sure would be easier to get due to decreased competition for them, but I can’t bear the idea of not being in driving distance of my family and closest friends for more than a couple weeks. So I’m really only looking at the LA area, Orange County area, and San Diego area. San Diego wouldn’t be perfect but I could drive up on the weekends or have visitors there without it being a giant headache.
            Still nothing figured out when it comes to love. I have no idea who I should be with. I feel like whenever my friends think I should be with someone it’s cuz they see how similar I am to that person. But I don’t wanna date myself. I don’t want someone too similar to me. But since I don’t know what I want, I’m stuck with suggestions and hints that make me uncomfortable. I was watching the movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and found myself identifying with this one aspect of Kiera Knightley’s character.  She said she had parents who were so perfect for each other that she couldn’t bring herself to marry anyone who wasn’t as good a match for her as they were for each other. I just haven’t felt remotely close to finding the right match yet. And I’m the sort of person who, once I have figured out that I can’t see myself ending up with someone, won’t just stay with them so I’m not alone. I can’t do it. So I’m always alone.
            It would be nice to finally have a date for Valentine’s Day. But I’m not gonna go out with someone I really don’t want to be out with just so I have a date on Valentine’s Day. Having a crappy date with someone I don’t like seems like a much worse time than hanging out by myself at home. If I can hang out with friends instead, great, but I don’t wanna hear them complain about being alone on Valentine’s Day. I don’t wanna hear someone who always has a date for it complain about the first time they don’t. It’s childish to think that that day can’t be worthwhile without a date. It’s just another day. And if you’re a girl who likes the color pink, then at least you get to be surrounded by pink things everywhere you go. And you get to laugh at the people who take it too seriously and just end up ruining it for themselves. Having had a lifetime of no Valentines, I think I’ll know how to appreciate one when it comes my way. So, to my friends with Valentines who give them chocolates, enjoy. And I’ll help you finish those, if you want.
            And I’m really looking forward to having cable and internet again. The old system ran out last week and the new system doesn’t get set up till Friday. And using my phone as a “mobile wi-fi hotspot” is a pain in the ass cuz I really don’t get good reception here. Now, I think I’ll go spend the next three hours trying to watch one of my favorite tv shows online :/

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